About Faro Countertops

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Our History

Our company, Faro Countertops, has been a trusted name in the countertop industry for many years. Established in 2015, we started as a small family-owned business with a passion for craftsmanship and a commitment to quality. Over the years, we’ve grown into a well-respected supplier and installer of premium countertops, serving both residential and commercial clients. Our journey has been marked by continuous innovation, a dedication to customer satisfaction, and a deep-rooted expertise in countertop materials.


Our Mission

At Faro Countertops, our mission is to enhance the beauty and functionality of every space by providing top-quality countertops and expert installation services. We’re committed to delivering the finest materials, personalized design solutions, and a seamless installation process. We aim to transform houses into homes and businesses into inviting spaces where quality and aesthetics meet. Our mission revolves around delivering excellence at every stage of the countertop selection and installation journey.

Our Values

We take pride in our craftsmanship and hold ourselves to the highest standard of quality. We listen to our customers, offer personalized solutions and ensure their satisfaction is our top priority. We stay forefront of countertop trends and technologies, leveraging our industry knowledge to provide innovative solutions. We believe in complete integrity and transparency with all of our clients.


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Have a Project in Mind?

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Let’s talk!